Wednesday, September 18, 2013

the first scribble

Hey!  Here I'll be writing some of the thoughts that I have about my studies or the experiences I have here on the mission.  I hope that they'll be uplifting to any of you that read it :)

Just a short thought that I had today in personal study.  I looked back today on my farewell talk that I gave (included in the next post) and found a quote that described my feelings as I left on my mission.  I found that the words of one of the Three Wise Men seeking the Christ child struck a chord within me.

"The most I am sure of is that I am doing a Master's will....When I think of the purpose I am sent to fulfill, there is in me a joy so inexpressible that I know the will is God's."
                                       -Wise Man, Ben Hur by Lew Wallace

My purpose as a missionary is to invite others to come unto Jesus Christ.  I have found anew each day that when I go forward and try to fulfill it, I find that my personal satisfaction and happiness increases beyond what I knew was possible.

Love you all!

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