Saturday, March 15, 2014


The Lord works in mysterious ways.  I was moved for my very first time on my mission about six weeks ago, and through an inspired district, I've learned to appreciate TOAST a little more.

TOAST is a little motto that we have in our mission district, and it stands for something quite wonderful.

TOAST=Thrive On Awkward Situations Today.

Anyone who has been a full-time or member missionary (and many of you who have only talked with one) knows that missionary work brings with it literally an infinite number of awkward situations.  Like when you can't understand Spanish and you just nod and say "Yes"--you could be saying "Yes, I do know this Church is true," or you could very well be saying "Yes, you are in fact lazy."  (For a native English-speaking blonde, it's a fine line between spiritually powerful and bluntly offensive.)  Or when you enter a church building to find twenty people frantically hauling small pots of water to a large baptismal font (You forgot to plug the font when you turned it on earlier).  Someone yelling across the street that you are the advocate of the devil.  Yelling a conversation about your religious beliefs over the incredibly loud barks of a nearby dog.

Those are just a few examples, because--like I said--they're endless.  So why "thrive" on these moments?  Why do thousands of missionaries--full-time and member--seem to even seek out these terrible moments of discomfort that should never happen, ever?

The truth is, sometimes we do and endure interesting, curious things to accomplish something important.  As missionaries, thriving in the humorous and uncomfortable moments simply means that we recognize that those moments somehow contribute to our purpose--to invite all children of God to come unto their Savior, Jesus Christ.

The Son of God phrases "TOAST" in a better way.  Christ says, "Fear not to do good."

In other words, don't be scared of all the strange things that might happen.  Don't let your fear of what might happen keep you from doing what you know is right.  Help others, show love, say nice things, testify of Jesus Christ.  You may experience some awkward situations in the meantime, but isn't it worth it to maybe make someone's day?  Isn't it worth the risk of awkwardness if you might even help to save a soul?  Isn't it worth anything in order to serve your Father in Heaven?

In a million awkward moments, you may have one moment that changes your life or the life of someone else forever.  So enjoy them.  Laugh them off, and know that in thick and thin, you are part of a great work.

Let's not seek awkwardness.  In thriving, I'm not asking that we all do those social experiments where we talk to ourselves in the library or stare at people in the elevator and whatever else.  Let's not misinterpret.  Let us seek to do good--to voice our love to our families even if it doesn't come naturally to say it out loud, to do an act of service even when it may seem out of place.  Let us follow Christ, no matter what the consequences.  Awkward moments come as they may, the world will be a better place.

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